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Showing posts from November, 2016

Contract Signed

A short update as a placeholder. All that really needs to be said is; It's done! On the 23rd we signed the contract to buy the house, on the 24th the first signatures at the bank were done. One more visit to the bank and the handover of the keys and we're done.

Potential Plans

These are the initial plans, the hope of what could be possible. There are a few points in the plans that might be pushing the chances a little bit, but we're going to try.

Rough Plans

These are the rough plans made from the measurement from Measuring Day. This is just to give us and the architects a base to start making potential plans from. There will be a lot more precise measuring and planning soon.

Picture and Measuring day

Spent the morning in Waldenburg with the owner, her friend and the architect company. They were measuring everything, we chatted, well more listening actually. Lots of listening.